Weekends Suck Now

This post is a bit late. I spent all day thinking about it, but the one chance I had to post, I forgot. I’m kind of sick the past couple days. But then as I resigned myself to leaving it until tomorrow, a friend asked us to spend New Years with him. So it’s not quite as sucky as it was.

Weekends are bad because nothing happens on the weekends. Our schedule is library as soon as it opens, lunch in the library parking lot, then hit the gym around four or five and spend the rest of the day there. But weekends throw a monkey wrench in everything.

First the library doesn’t open until noon, so we have to find some other means of keeping busy. Mostly, we spend the morning at the gym and try to cook some food, maybe do some laundry. McDonald’s doesn’t allow us to use the internet for more than 30 minutes, so we can’t work there. Panera Bread lets us stay as long as we need, but their internet isn’t fast enough to run the transcription software. Plus, it starts getting busy before we even get there for the day, so it’s frequently too loud and unpleasant.

Sundays are even worse. We don’t have the gym at all, so we mostly end up driving around aimlessly or sitting somewhere and watching Netflix and YouTube on my tiny iPhone screen.

When homeless, boredom is the mind killer. Don’t have a job? Panhandle or dig through the trash for bottles and cans. You’ll soon have enough to at least buy a breakfast burrito or a candy bar. But then what? You’re sitting around staring into outer space, trying desperately to entertain yourself. Before long, you’re drinking and doing drugs just to pass the time.

If you’re thinking/worried of becoming homeless, this should definitely be something you think about. Not just what are you going to do with yourself, but what will you do on the weekend.

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